Monday, November 24, 2008

Expectations for our new Pres!

On Nov. 4th 2008 a historical monument was erected into the hearts and souls of Americans; particularly, African-Americans. This country elected our first African-American president. In an effort to avoid straying from the discussion I intend to provoke (I tend to do that if I’m not careful), I will simply comment this: For several months prior to this election, I would have conversations/make statements regarding the expectations of Barack Obama should he win the presidential election. I actually began to weep for the guy pretty early in the game because I understand my people…..mostly.

I had and still hope that Black people in this country wouldn’t have the notion that President Obama is some ominous magic bullet that will solve all their personal and aggregate issues. I hoped and still hope that Black people understand that ill race relations in this country began several hundreds-of-years before Barack….he didn’t start them and he’s not going to finish them.

I hoped and still hope, that as soon as the brother takes office, I won’t hear hoards of black folks with ninth-grade educations, and brothers with B&E convictions stomping their feet and complaining about how they can’t get jobs. (I suspect that it will turn from “whitey keeping me down, to, Barack ain’t doing s&*t for black people!). However, be clear, that this is one of the few things about which, I pray to be wrong. Thing is, I expect the same thing from Obama, that I expected from Clinton.




Anonymous said...

Good Post. One of the writers on Three Ways talked about this a few weeks back. People need to be careful in their expectations. Interestingly enough, he's already taking heat and he hasn't even taken office yet. We shall see.

Cheekie said...

Slim: Yeah, he's already taking the heat. I'm not surprised since he's taking over after such an economic slump, people are VERY eager for something new. So much that people are almost forgetting about Bush and already focusing on Obama. Pressure!