Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Racism Resurrected...

...except it never died.

You may or may not have heard about Mr. Oscar Grant. He was shot exceution style by a transit police officer on New Year's Eve. His physical position while heartlessly gunned down? Lying down. That's right he was at his most non-threatening when he was killed. The officer, Johannes Mehserle, has not been arrested or charged with any crime at the time of this posting. So, before you pull a Dubya and declare victory way before its time, please believe that racism is very much alive and thriving. And it's a helluva beast to tame. But tame it we must. Together.

Warning: The following video is disturbing. Please view it at your discretion.

After you're done watching, please head over to and add your name to the petition demanding California Attorney General, Jerry Brown to take over this case from the Alameda District Attorney (who hasn't bothered to question Mehserle) and arrest Mehserle promptly. In addition to lending your voice to this particular case, your name on this petition will also voice and appeal to the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate the ridiculous pattern of BART police and the Alameda District Attorney refusing to hold officers accountable for their killings.

Sign Petition Here: Oscar Grant Petition

And when you've signed, make sure to pass it on to your friends and fam. Spread the word!

Love ya like Obama loves change,


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